How to Stand Up on a Kitesurfing Board: The Complete Guide

Steer the kite to the opposite side of your kite, and steer your board hard upwind. Similar to a trainee kite your first action is to set up your kite. Get your kite attached to your pump and pump up your kite with the wind in your back. When your tube is fully pumped up, place the kite upside down on the beach with the middle strut facing the wind. Then it is time to untangle your lines and lay them down over the beach.

How difficult is it to water start ?

The earth isn’t a ball covered with an even layer of water, there are seven continents with land that can block or slow water movement. This is why the difference between high and low tide in some places is unnoticeable and in other locations the difference is significant. High tides and low tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon. Despite the moons comparatively small mass, it is close enough to earth that it has enough gravity to pull on the water in the oceans; this is known as tidal force. Waist harnesses have a couple different styles including ones which offer a hardshell and ones with larger areas of support along the back. Kitesurfers with larger waist areas or very narrow shaped waists may struggle with waist harnesses. Each one of these types has their own slight variations and styles.

For medium power, steer deeper toward the horizon and turn back and upward repeatedly. If you’re a more advanced kitesurfer, you can use a smaller board, which will enable you to harness more kite power to jump and perform tricks. In general, boards for advanced kitesurfers feature concave bottoms and step tips, which will help you to ride with more power and perform tricks. Although kitesurfing boards for advanced riders look similar to wakeboards, they have different rocker systems and are flatter and ride the edge more than traditional wakeboards. Despite kiteboarding being an action sport, just like scuba diving or skydiving once it is properly learned it can be safely practiced.

On the apex of the kite, release the tension on the bar, and start steering the kite back in the original direction. Your first meters on a kiteboard are going downwind, and that is perfect in the beginning but frustrating in the end. Riding downwind is going with or slightly with the wind. Aiming your board with the wind makes it easier to get more board speed, you can also get on your board easier.

The big question up or downwind lay-down of kitelines?

Knowing the right wind direction and strength is important. Before kitesurfing, you can check the upcoming conditions on your kitesurf spot. Here are a few options to check out the weather and wind conditions on your favorite kite spot. By checking the weather before a kite session you know what to expect. It depends a lot on your learning curve and other factors.

The first step to a kiteboarding jump is to learn how to load and pop. One key point to a good load and pop is to create a lot of tension between the kite and the rider. If too much tension is created the rider will skip downwind. Avoid skipping downwind by holding an edge on the board and balance tension in the control bar. Create a fluid motion by getting low and cutting away from the kite to pop off the water.

The basic objective of kitesurfing is to do tricks and to see how high and long you can jump off waves. Once you are in the air you’ll need to get balanced and get the kite redirected so that it’s flying forward. Obviously you may be a tad excited and although it would be great to enjoy the view, silence and sheer brilliance of flying there are pressing matters to be attended. To make sure that the kite responds you’ll need tension on the steering lines so pull the bar down by bringing your hands to hips . Chances are that this will also move the kite above you – you now have a parachute. At the same time you should bring your knees up to your hands, being small will stop you swinging off balance .

Once the kite is loose you can steer the kite slowly above you to (12 o’clock). As a beginner, you want to hold the bar with two hands, and at the sides of the bar with relaxed arms. Make sure the bar is parallel to the trailing edge of the kite. This way the lines kitesurf kurser keep straight and you can easily steer the kite by pulling on the hand in the direction you want to go with the kite, this is called your steering hand. The distance you pull the steering hand towards you is the acceleration moment that makes the kite turn faster.

How to choose the right kiteboarding kite size

Many people adopt this stance to the extreme of locking their front knee out straight, hoping that this will keep their weight back. In fact it drives more power through the front foot, and this coupled with coming up over the board as it flattens, results in the nose turning off the wind. In turn, you will then accelerate and become glued to the spot as the infamous down wind death run gathers steam.

This investment can last anywhere from 1 day to 5 years or more depending on the care and usage of the equipment. Even though the average is 3,000 USD there are those who spend less on a quiver and those who spend more on having larger quivers. Learning on land can be done on the beach or even at a park. Before you can do anything you will need to put your kite together and get it in the air.